

Your Soul is Rooting for You

I want to be honest.  

I want you to know that this is hard.  Today is hard.
And I want you to know it isn't easy to admit that.

And I want you to know I’m not looking for sympathy; I am already surrounded by love.  I don’t want your worry or your tears either; this life is a happy one.  I’m only saying this because I want you to know that I’m sad too sometimes.  And it’s ok to admit that.  

I’m only saying this because I want you to know that you’re not alone.

You may be in the dark and not know what you’re doing, but you aren’t alone there.  Even when things are hard, and you want to cry, but you don’t because you want to brave more.  Even when you don’t tell anybody, not even your little blog, because you’re afraid of saying, “I’m still lonely sometimes.” 

You’re afraid of saying, “I don’t know what I’m doing still.” 

You’re afraid of saying, “help me.” 

I want you to know you aren’t alone there.  

I want you to look in the mirror.  Look through the misplaced hair and the streaks that stain your face.  Look in the mirror right now.  and I promise that in your eyes you’ll see it.  You’ll see hope.  There’s something inside you that wants you to succeed.  There’s something inside you that knows you will.  Even when things are hard, even when things are new, even when your heart aches; your soul is rooting for you.  There is something inside you that is beautiful and strong. It’s there, I promise.  And It knows how you feel and what you think. And It knows things are hard sometimes, but that you’ll make it anyway.  I promise that you’ll find it there if only you’ll look.  It’s inside you, and I know because I’ve seen it there.  I’ve seen it inside me, too.  

Some days are hard, but I hope you’ll have the courage to keep moving.  And I know that you will, because even if you don’t know it now, there is greatness in you.  And it’s greater than anything that’s ever known this earth.  And if you’ll always remember that, maybe we’ll be able to do something great together. 



  1. So beautiful and great! I needed this today. :) You're in Helaman, right? One day we'll actually meet.

  2. I love this so much. Thank you for writing your thoughts. You posted what I am afraid to admit to myself out loud.

  3. Listen Lindsey,
    You have a talent. It really is so amazing. Also listen-I miss you!
    Erin Lou :)

  4. linds, you are the best ever. like really.
