

It's Magic.

You know what i love?  The days you wake up smiling or laughing or something.  Those days always seem to go well.  It's like your Subconscious already knows how your day will go.  Those are the days you can sleep in a tad and still miraculously look great anyway.  Those are the days you run out to your car and don't need to scrape it.  Those are the days you get the last front row parking stall. Those are the days everyone seems to want to talk to you.  Those are the days everything goes your way.  Those days are a rare gift.  Those days are magic.

Other days you roll out of bed onto your knes and mumble your prayers, stumble into the shower, and can only find one shoe.  These are the days nothing really is out of the ordinary.  These are the days where you hit a couple red lights and have to go to work after school.  These are the days everything doesn't just fall into your lap.  These are the plain Jane days. These are the days you're left to find your own magic. 

Today was one of these days for me.  I was left to wait for something marvelous to fall from the sky or to make my own miracle.  That's a really cool gift we're given, control.  Everyday is in you control.  As soon as we realize that, we can change things and make them into whatever we want them to be. 

So tomorrow wake up and smile.
Think, I'll make this day great.
Things will change.
.... Make your own magic.


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