

The heart of a champion

Five years ago there was a little girl who won first place at her school science fair. She was oh so very proud of her work.  She moved on to the district science fair at good old PGHS with all of her best friends.  She stayed there all day and even put up with all of the old mans stupid jokes at the awards ceremony. And she lost.  And all her friends won.  Awe, the poor little girl was heart broken. 

Well,  I went to the science fair once again.  I spent the whole day with bree and my mom fixing my poster... which was the biggest pain in my butt. Then, it rained.  Dang.  Bree and I went to the high school to get set up and (single handedly) carried a two ton steel frame into the school.  We set up Mckay's board for him and then I left bree at the school.  Well I came back an hour later.  Chilled with Mckay, Wyatt, Bree, and Caleb.  Jes, Kendall, Nate, and Erin all came to see us.. Then, came the moment of truth: Judging time.  That is the time that Van Dijk gets up and tells a bunch of less than good chemistry jokes.  Bree, Mckay, and I sat on the very front row.  They call my name! I stroll casually up the stairs to win my prize, a metal! BHAHAH! Take that sixth grade science fair, you will haunt me no more!

 So Sick
 So So Sick.
That's all I have to say.

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